Response to COVID-19

Response to COVID-19

To our Hommus Loving Family,

Our primary focus during these unprecedented times is the health and safety of our team members, customers and service providers. As we continue to monitor the situation closely, we are taking actions and precautions throughout our entire business. These are based on recommendations from the Australian government and the World Health Organisation.

SSS Foods understands the importance of doing what we can to provide a safe environment for customers, co-workers and service providers visiting Woolworths stores throughout NSW and VIC in order to help limit the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19.

Actions that have been implemented throughout the business to date include:

  • Increased focus on personal hygiene for all team members and contractors with additional sanitising facilities available
  • Increased focus on cleaning and sanitising procedures within the SSS Food business.
  • As a precautionary measure, we took the last few days off to deep clean facilities to ensure a safe and sanitised environment when we reopened.
  • Team members are regularly provided with the most up to date information from health authorities on how to monitor for signs of the illness and are asked to refrain from coming into work if they exhibit symptoms or are at risk
  • No team members have been stood down
  • Masks have been made available to all staff and contractors


SSS Foods will continue to work closely with the health authorities in this matter and will follow all recommendations for how we can adapt our business to ensure the safest environment possible. We encourage all our team members and customers to look after themselves and each other through these times.

Our telephone line is working as normal, as are our email and social media systems.

We are tracking daily the impact COVID-19 is having on cleaning regimes, logistics and the supply chain at Woolworths. We appreciate this is an unprecedented time and we are committed to working closely with Woolworths and suppliers in this unique situation.

In the meantime, be hygienic, stay isolated and stay safe.


Jalni Shah

General Manager

P: 02-9684-4606

E: [email protected]


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